10 things 25 taught me. Hello, 26!!!

Vikki's Corner
2 min readFeb 3, 2024
10 days to my birthday!

On the eve of my 25th, I was concerned I had no life and was unhappy with my monotonous lifestyle. Little did I know lessons were waiting to be learned with tears, goosebumps, and baptism by fire. Anyhoo, here are my top 10 lessons from 25-year-old me.

  1. Choose yourself, first, always. I learned I have the responsibility to validate myself first, love myself first, and put my needs first and 9 of 10 times, it’ll be a banger!
  2. You are okay. If like me, you grew up with tons of self-doubt. Say you feel like you didn't fit in your family, in my neighbourhood, with friends, and maybe church, listen to me, you are okay. You’ve got so much going for you, you are a delight to be with, you are reliable, and you've got heart. My dear, no think am. You dey alright.
  3. Don’t settle! One undeniable truth about my 25th year was the patterns in my dating life. At some point, it was obvious I singlehandedly set myself up for heartbreak and disappointment. Once I identified the challenge was, that it was me, not them: It was me who settled, me who expected them to change, me who refused to see what they were showing me, and I failed to listen to them when they said they didn't give a fuck. Ouch!
  4. Your health is important. If I ever needed a wake-up call to eat right and well, move my body often, sleep more, and have fun, 25 did justice.
  5. Love yourself. Refer to 1.
  6. People will leave. Don’t get me started on this one.
  7. Never ever ever go without health insurance x 10.
  8. Family will be okay — you are not a Messiah and can never be. Refer to 1.
  9. Go for the best — top range, ivy-league, best, always! You lose 100% of the chances you do not take.
  10. Hold God. He is your main-stay, the last resort, the beginning and the end, the start and end. the first and last. everything goes away, everyone leaves but God? oh lala! God never leaves youuuuuu!! Hold ammm, no gree for anybody.

Happy happy happy 26th birthday to me, Victoria! Just yesterday, I turned 16, then 18, and today, 26! Triple wowwwww!!!!

