Dear Young People (Part 2)

Vikki's Corner
1 min readMar 18, 2022

Take yourself seriously.

Photo by Joanna Nix-Walkup on Unsplash

If there’s anything I have for young people who will read this, it is:

In 2022, take yourself seriously or more seriously.

Confidence starts from within. The moment you realize you are the shit, it spills over to your exterior.

You don’t need to grow abs or muscles to put up a tough exterior. Self-confidence allows anyone meeting you for the first time to know exactly what they are getting from the first interaction. It is in your pose, your looks, your speech, your interactions and the way you live your life.

You are the absolute shit and should be treated as such.

In this new year, as your graduate from school, secure your first job, switch careers, change jobs, relocate, or start a new life, I really truly wish you do not have to pander or grovel to be treated with respect.

Take yourself seriously and everyone else will get in line.

First published on Facebook



Vikki's Corner

my mind and how it works, aptly described with words